Here is the main screen. J-Knit supports knitpoint patterns that can be purchased here. Once you buy a knitpoint pattern, it is loaded into J-Knit completely and you are ready to knit. An excellent feature. It's also a good way to see an example of how patterns are entered into the app.
The web portal takes you into your J-knit account where your personal projects are stored. For no additional charge, the portal allows you to save a limited number of projects. For a small fee of $15 per year, you receive unlimited project saves. I chose this option because its convenient to have room for all my projects. After I've already taken the time to add my pattern into the app, I wouldn't want to erase it and then put it back if I chose to knit the same item again. I also want to support the developers, and help alleviate some of the burden of maintaining the app and its website.Once you log in, your information is stored so you don't have to re-enter your info every time. Inside, you'll see a list of your projects stored in your account with the option to import and export. As of right now, J-Knit does not have supported iCloud integration. I hope that maybe it will be available in the future. The import/export feature is a way to send current project information between your iPad, iPhone, and computer. If your using your j-Knit on your iPad and want to switch over to your phone, export the project. Then on your phone, go into the web portal and import the same file. It will update at the exact place you left off on your iPad. This works the same way on all 3 devices.
In the settings tab, you can opt to keep your screen from timing out
Here is what your project listing looks like on your device. Once you go into a project, you"ll need to set it up. This is a little complex and can be discouraging at first. Detailed information can be found on J-Knit's website. Another one of the many great things about this app is the Ravelry group! J-knits developers are online and answer questions quickly and thoroughly. What more can we ask for? They truly care about what they've created and they are readily available to help. In the forums you'll see other question knitters have asked and it will teach you more ways to use this app. This is inside the project.
This is the project setup screen. When you link the pdf to the pattern, you can copy and past into the setup so you don't have to write everything out word for word. Theres also a way to add pattern blocks into the setup so you don't have to keep rewriting the same thing. For example, this pattern has a 5 row pattern repeat that creates the cable design. I create a pattern "block" of the 5 lines and set them to repeat the amount of times the pattern tells me to. Easy! After you input the pattern, you are ready to knit.
Unlike most row counters, this app tells you what you should be doing for the current row. You hit the counter to tell you what you should be doing this row that you haven't yet knit. So if the counter reads 32, you have 31 rows knitted.
This app also helps for increases and decreases. When you start, it'll ask you how many stitches you have to start with. When you add in the increase or decrease, you will also add in how many stitches you are adding or taking away. The app does the math and tells you how many stitches you should have after you knit the row. A major help if you needed to rip back because you made a mistake or just to keep you on track.
To me, this app does it all. It's my everything. I don't have to keep looking back at my pattern, to find my place after every row. I don't have to keep a pattern in my bag with a pen, or stickers, or whatever I was using before. The time it takes to input the pattern into the app is time well spent and worth every minute. Forget lace charts, I want J-knit. There is a lite version so give this app a try and spread the word. I want J-Knit to stay around forever.
J-Knit Rocks!!!!!!!!!!